Tuesday 24 September 2013

Find the origin of your Name, try it!


write your name and click on the button "Cerca"...

Escape Abroad

In this period the escape abroad could be the unique solution for people with a high education.The Italian people with diploma or degree, have same difficulties, the job.
Almost all firms don't invest anymore, neither in training neither in new technologies. The open source technologies is the best choise: Java, PHP, Ajax, JQuery, J2EE and the most important development frameworks... The word Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Web Semantic, Fuzzy Logic, etc aren't considerated because of backwardness of the Software and Consulting companies.
if you look at whatever job ad, you understand that a degree is unuseful in this country.
If you work in Italy, in IT field, you must do programming; in fact the most requests of job is for computer programmer...

For this reason a lot of graduated in Italy are leaving this country for job reason, better work conditions in terms of salary, rights and quality of the life.
Below there is a list of cities where you find a job in IT field (more probable than the other cities);

  • South Italy: Bari, Lecce, Naples.
  • Centre Italy: Rome.
  • North Italy: Milan, Turin and Bologna.
topic linked to this topic (Italian language):

Friday 13 September 2013

Informatics graduates - Is there future?

In Italy, a lot of young people have understood their country won't guarantee a certain future... first reason, an unexisted work market or a few demands of qualified personal or a big amount of personal with important skills for a salary of less 1500 euro (I'm considering a permanent job).
A lot of young are leaving this our country for other European nations: Switzerland, England, France, Germany and Benelux... (the northern countries with evoluted economies).
This year this migration is increasing, going to Milano, Turin or Bologna isn't a permanent solution, but these cities are only a a bridge to north Europe. This financial and economical crisis is getting down our country, maybe all countries of the South Europe: Spain, Portugal, Greece, Eire, Italy.

Piigs img
Many of my friends think that the situation could get worse, the south Italy is near collapse, only industry of food and small commercial activities work, the others resist because can't do else.
Who can, escape away, looking for something better, a hope or an expectation of better life... far from their birth places... the economists talk of default of Italian debt, a event generated from the bad banks and from the speculative finance on our country for money and easy gain.
Maybe the unique problem is the United Europe, the mode of costruction of this monetary system, in fact it could help the Germans and northern nations and their economies that earn from the "status quo"...
